Natural Treatment for Arthritis

natural arthritis treatment

Natural Treatment for Arthritis

What is the Best Natural Treatment for Arthritis? Natural and Holistic arthritis treatment methods treat the cause of your arthritis, not just cover up your arthritis symptoms with heavy pain killers (with harmful and sometimes lethal side effects), dangerous surgeries and even worse, joint replacements. Choosing a Natural treatment for arthritis will relieve your symptoms, but more importantly, they stop the cause of your arthritis so there is no longer any reason for your symptoms to appear in the first place.

Treating arthritis naturally will most likely top many other “mystery conditions” and chronic conditions that you may have had for years! All you need to do is discover what arthritis type you are dealing with and then see what works best with your body and lifestyle. Follow the simple guidelines in this article and start looking and feeling like you know you could and should. A good place to start is by using the natural treatment for arthritis so you can reverse what is causing your arthritis symptoms naturally.

natural treatment of arthritis


The Holistic Treatment of Arthritis

The common medical treatments for arthritis that most physicians use is to diagnose and treat the symptoms that are causing you joint pain and inflammation. These Arthritis Treatments use complicated surgeries (that can lead to permanent joint fusion or paralysis), joint replacements and frequently harmful prescription medications that usually end up causing more pain and suffering that your actual arthritis! The Holistic Treatment of Arthritis adheres to the Hippocratic Oath that all doctors take “first, do no harm.”


Needless to say these type of arthritis treatments have very little long-term success and have actually lead to numerous lawsuits from heart attacks and stroke deaths, to name a few, caused by toxic side effects of medications and botched surgeries. These are particularly the case for Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers. Fortunately for all of us there is a much, much better way than the expensive, risky and ineffective way that offered given to most people. Using a natural treatment for arthritis will help you avoid all the unnecessary, and even damaging side effects of standard treatments.

Osteoarthritis Treatment

Best Treatment for Osteoarthritis

What is the Best Treatment for Osteoarthritis? Is there a better treatment for osteoarthritis than the standard medical treatments? These medical treatments rely on risky surgeries, life altering joint replacements and extremely harmful medicines (we all know about the Celebrex lawsuits that have taken many lives.) This is not only a potentially lethal risk you are taking, but after all the pain, suffering through endless treatments and even draining your life savings, it flat out doesn't work!


You have the option to choose a natural osteoarthritis treatment that actually works, without any of the harmful side effects or potential loss of mobility through permanently fused joints, becoming paralyzed by surgery, or a lethal dose of medicine. You can discover How to Treat Osteoarthritis naturally and effectively. This is a holistic and natural treatment for arthritis that actually works because it stops the cause of your osteoarthritis and doesn't just cover up your symptoms!

Natural Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis

The Best Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is the best Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis? Are the standard medical treatments for rheumatoid arthritis the best you can do or are there better treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis relief? If the standard medical treatments actually worked for you or the millions of arthritis sufferers worldwide, you wouldn't be painfully sitting here reading this article. It flat out doesn't work! And if you don't stop the cause of it, it will not only be a painful debilitating condition in your daily life but will significantly decreases your lifespan if you do not choose an effective treatment for it.


The risks of surgery gone wrong, lethal dose of medicine or permanently fused joints are just too much risk vs reward. Fortunately there is a natural treatment for arthritis that actually stops the cause of your RA so you can finally heal and enjoy a pain free mobile life. For more information on treating rheumatoid arthritis naturally and safely using the best Natural Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment. See the following video by Dr. Tent, a holistic physician and chiropractor that specializes in arthritis and osteoporosis, that shows how viruses are the root cause of most chronic diseases like arthritis:

Arthritis Virus

Most people don't realize that there is a viral cause to arthritis. The Arthritis Virus is a little known, but very real arthritis cause that is hidden. It is not widely publicized because if it is discovered or becomes well known, pharmaceutical companies will not be able to rake in billions of dollars in arthritis medicines (that have fatal side effects too.) Plain and simple, like anything in this world that doesn't' make complete sense, follow the money.


Here is a secret that has been hidden from mainstream medicine but not naturopathic physicians using a natural treatment for arthritis: viruses and pathogens are causing a great deal of arthritis but not even being addressed! Dr. Mark Genovese a top Medical Doctor, Stanford Medicine University Professor and Rheumatologist who is on the leading edge of arthritis and inflammation studies addresses this bluntly:

“There's a perception that arthritis is arthritis, just like some people think cancer is cancer,” says Mark Genovese, MD, a rheumatologist and professor at the Stanford School of Medicine. “But it's just not true.” It could be gout, crystals, autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis, virus-caused arthritis or as many as 100 other kinds of the disease.

Since infection is a root cause of arthritis you need to address it or you will continue with arthritis pain and inflammation indefinitely. As the above video by Dr. Tent explains exactly why you need to treat the viral infections as the first part of your natural treatment for arthritis so you can actually heal and relieve your arthritis pain for good.

what to eat for arthritis

Diet and Arthritis

Diet and Arthritis are intimately connected. It really boils down to alkaline diet with proper food combination and joint friendly exercise. The cause for all chronic disease is insulin resistance from eating too many sugars and carbohydrates (an acidic diet,) and not moving your body enough. You need to eat arthritis healthy foods (Best Diet for Arthritis) and keep your joints moving to keep them flexible and pain free. CarbFix is a natural carbohydrate absorption blocker and insulin sensitivity improver that helps the cause of chronic conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Hypertension and even cancers.


You need to use a arthritis friendly diet and specific Exercises for Arthritis that you need to do when you're dealing with severe pain.This is a bit of a conundrum as you may be experiencing too much pain and stiffness to exercise and movement is an essential part of the natural treatment for arthritis. If this is the case then you should treat the symptoms of arthritis first so you can gain the mobility to exercise and keep your joints moving into permanent recovery from arthritis. 

arthritis pain relief

Best Natural Treatment for Arthritis

What is the Best Natural Treatment for Arthritis? It starts with eating the best foods for arthritis (see the above video that explains the best and worst foods for arthritis) so you can prevent painful inflammation and get your joints finally healed. Keeping your whole body in a more alkaline state and reduce your dietary acid intake allows healing to happen in the quickest possible time.


The arthritis diet can help ease the joint pain caused by inflammation creating foods. Avoiding excess calcium is a huge key too. Almost all foods now are full of calcium (junk calcium that can't be absorbed by your body) so it ends up in your joints and causes painful bone spurs. Those bone spurs damage cartilage and cause osteoarthritis. It is magnesium that keeps excess calcium in check. Always opt for the Best Type of Magnesium so it can be fully absorbed by your body and reduce your arthritis pain at the same time.

How to Reverse Arthritis


How to Reverse Arthritis Naturally

If you want to learn How to Reverse Arthritis Naturally then read on. This natural treatment for arthritis addresses the 5 main causes of arthritis. You can't heal from arthritis until you stop what is causing it in the first place. The first thing you will want to do is stop your pain and inflammation, as you can't heal when you're in pain with chronic inflammation.


Stopping any infections from damaging your joints as they are frequently an underlying cause of arthritis that is not diagnosed. Cleanse out any debris like damaged cartilage and bone spurs from your joints so the arthritis supplements you do take can actually work. Then you need to rebuild and nourish your joints, that is how you can reverse arthritis naturally using the natural treatment for arthritis. 

Nrf2 Boost

Protandim Alternative

Regenerate Joints

Can you heal and regenerate joints naturally? Here is the 5 step natural treatment for arthritis is for Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) that can help activate your body's natural healing process so you can get real and lasting arthritis relief:

  1. Relieve Arthritis Pain
  2. Stop Arthritis Infections
  3. Clear out Damaged Tissue (Cartilage, Bone Spurs)
  4. Repair Damaged Tissues (Increase Joint Fluid)
  5. Speed Recovery with Natural Therapies

After the main causes of arthritis are taken care of, your symptoms will subside (go away) because you no longer have any reason for joint discomfort.

1) Relieve Arthritis Pain (OA and RA)

It is very hard to heal while you are in severe pain. So while treating the infection is very important, relieving your pain so you can be comfortable enough to follow the natural treatment for arthritis is of utmost importance. Use the following natural arthritis remedies for pain relief:

  • Turmeric for Arthritis stops your inflammation and reduces your pain quickly and has a whole body healing effect. It stops chronic inflammation in your body naturally. It is as effective as 14 prescription medications without the harmful and sometimes even lethal side effects.
  • Pain Relief Cream for Arthritis is the #1 pain relief cream for joint pain and give you safe and effective natural pain relief exactly where you need it. It is even guaranteed to work because it works really well for joint pain.
  • Nrf2 is a pain relieving and healing super antioxidant can cause your cells to regenerate naturally. It works with a natural process called Autophagy (that won the Nobel prize in 2016) that turns on the switch in your body that some DNA in your cells is damaged and needs repair. It is your body's natural clean-up and tissue regeneration program, that is powerful enough to cause deep healing and pain relief.

2) Treat the Infection (RA and Septic Arthritis):

  • Zeolite Powder – Get rid of any chronic infections as well as heavy metal deposits that may have accumulated in your joints using Zeolite AV
  • Homeopathy for Arthritis is a safe and effective natural Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Remedy for Rheumatism (Natural RA Treatment)
  • Boost Your Immune System – Keep Your Natural Immunity as strong and balanced as possible. A strong immune system prevents autoimmune conditions from happening in the first place, and can help reverse them before they do irreparable damage to your joints and organs

3) Clear Out Damaged Joint Tissue

  • Heal n Soothe Arthritis – Relieves Joint Pain & Regenerates Healthy Joint Tissue with Systemic Enzymes that break up damaged cartilage and scar tissue in your joints that cause pain and inflexibility. Also helps dissolve excess calcium deposits and bone spurs
  • Distilled Water is empty water or acidic water. It is only recommended for detox which is what you are doing when you are clearing out damaged tissue. Alkaline water is the opposite of distilled water and can be taken after you are flushing out damaged tissue.
  • Eating plenty of pineapple and papaya (organic is essential as papaya can be genetically engineered and is not healthy) if you like the flavor can help as well.

4) Rebuild Healthy Joints (OA and RA)

  • The Best Joint Supplement – Powerful Joint Rebuilding and Protective Herbal Blend with Hyaluronic Acid for Joints, Bio-Available Collagen (absorbable) and Natural Anti-Inflammatories like natural white willow bark extract, ionic sea minerals, Vitamin K2, Magnesium, and MSM. Super joint support has all the necessary natural nutrients, in the exact amount proven to restore joint mobility and stop joint pain and destruction. It is so helpful for joint pain, and tendonitis as well as having a rejuvenating effect on your hair, skin and body tissues. Provides lost joint fluid for proper cushioning and flexibility, advanced joint collagen to resurface worn or damaged cartilage and nutrients to inhibit the COX-2 inflammatory response and give you real pain relief. It is the core natural treatment for arthritis remedy.
  • Full Spectrum Magnesium is what your joints really need, not more calcium because 90% of people with arthritis are magnesium deficient, not calcium deficient. Magnesium also helps with pain, mood, immunity and is a natural remedy for insomnia.

5) Speed Up Recovery (OA and RA)

If you are suffering with back, neck or hip problems you will want to check out the many great healing products that will make your life much easier. There are:

This natural treatment for arthritis not only stops the cause of your arthritis symptoms but actually rebuilds healthy joints so you won't have to deal with arthritis pain again. Use the arthritis joint pain remedies to stop the swelling and inflammation, and use the therapies and treatment devices to get your joints healthy and flexible again for pain free joints for life.

natural joint pain relief

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and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. *