Arthritis in the Elbow
Arthritis in the Elbow is the inflammation or irritation of the elbow joint and is usually accompanied by tenderness to the touch and painful movement. The elbow tends to hurt when we flex or straighten the elbow as the whole joint socket is affected. As we age (particularly 40040+), our tissues and bodily structures (especially joints) tend to repair themselves at a slower level and depending on our lifestyle and diet, may not repair themselves adequately – the result is arthritis and in this case Arthritis in Elbow.
It appears that the most common causes of arthritis in the elbows are actually Rheumatoid Arthritis followed by Osteoarthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis of the Elbow. However, osteoarthritis is common among people who are athletes (whether professional, hobby or even weekend warriors) and those who perform repetitive movements that cause excessive bending of the elbow joint. Elbow inflammation can also cause Tennis Elbow a form of elbow tendinitis and elbow bursitis. If you have arthritis you are more prone to these than if you are arthritis free.
Arthritis of the Elbow Symptoms
Elbow Arthritis is believed to be age related due to degeneration of the joints and breakdown of healthy joint cartilage, synovial fluid and connective tissues. It can also be caused prematurely by performing excessive repetitive type movements, particularly when bending or straightening the elbow joint with weight attached, as in bodybuilding exercises with excessive weight or improper form. If you don't support your elbows with proper joint building nutrition you can develop arthritis in the elbows.
For instance, a person playing tennis or washing cars for a living may eventually develop that type of irritation of the joint socket because of the repetitive movements over the same joint socket. That's why it's typically referred to as “Tennis Elbow.” It can lead to damage to your joints and cartilage causing severe pain and arthritis in the elbows. Here are the symptoms of arthritis in the elbows:
- Reduces Range of Movement in Your Elbows
- Redness around your Elbow Joints
- Warm Burning Sensation when you Move Your Elbow
- Elbow Joint Stiffness – Most common in the mornings
- Stiff and Painful Elbows.
It can also be caused by a fall or hitting it against a hard object resulting in an elbow injury. This injury or trauma to the elbow joint socket causes too much pressure on the joint socket at one time, irritating and inflaming the elbow.
There can be sharp or throbbing pain in either or both elbows and you may even have trouble sleeping if you tend to move around a lot when you sleep. Fortunately you will discover here some natural remedies that really work to not only relieve your pain and let you sleep at night, but also heal the cause of it for good.
Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Elbow
Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Elbow is a common area for RA pain to show up in. The hands and the elbow joint sockets are places where rheumatism has easiest access to because of they are the closest to the thyroid and lymph glands. The picture above shows the common rheumatoid arthritis elbow nodules that can show up in your elbows with elbow rheumatoid arthritis. If your body has accumulated a high level of heavy metals then they will end up in your joints and allow infections to take hold there.
There is a lot you can do to stop your rheumatoid arthritis pain and actually even get rid of it altogether. There is a Homeopathic Arthritis Treatment that works well for relieving the symptoms of RA quickly. You simply start where you are, and improve your condition on a day by day basis. Begin by using a heated elbow brace and anti inflammatory herbs to expedite pain relief and healing. Then use the specific RA remedies to stop the autoimmune cause of arthritis and rheumatism.
Consider using an immune balancing mineral (that stops the underlying viral cause of RA, removes heavy metal deposits in your body and prevents cancer as well) called natural zeolites. I recommend a specific blend for RA called Zeolite-AV because it balances your immune system and stop it from attacking your joints.
Elbow Brace for Arthritis
Using an elbow brace for arthritis (pictured above) can help stabilize your elbow to stop pain and expedite healing. I highly recommend using it while taking the arthritis in the elbows natural remedies like anti inflammatories and use a topical arthritis pain relief cream under the brace.
Using the elbow brace for arthritis in the elbows will prevent further elbow joint and tendon damage while you are healing. You can use it during the day or even while you sleep for extended elbow joint healing. Pain can keep you up at night and that is when your body heals the most, during the deep phases of sleep. So good sleep is critical to joint healing as well as overall health and maintaining youthful vigor.
Treatment for Elbow Arthritis
There are some really great natural remedies for arthritis elbow pain relief. Use natural Treatment for Elbow Arthritis and you can not only stop your pain, but also heal the underlying cause so you can move forward in your life with greater health and mobility. Here is the best natural treatment for arthritis elbow and even tennis elbow pain relief:
- Heal n Soothe Arthritis (Natural arthritis enzyme formula that breaks up scar tissue and joint debris that is causing pain and stiff joints)
- Pain Relief Cream for Arthritis gives you topical pain relief for the exact areas that are hurting you. This is a very good natural pain reliever that works especially well for arthritis joint pain, back pain, neck pain and muscle pain.
- The Best Joint Supplement (This contains the powerful anti-inflammatory curcumin as well as the joint rebuilding glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM and includes the enzymes that break up damaged cartilage, scar tissue and bone spurs. Gives you joint relief you can feel.)
- Use an Infrared Heating Pad (it helps provide healing energy and pain reliving infrared wave frequencies into your elbow to prevent further damage, expedites healing and gives you excellent pain relief)
Natural Anti Inflammatory Supplements relieve your joint pain, swelling and inflammation while allowing healing and joint regeneration to take place.
These natural supplements for arthritis in the elbows are best used together, particularly the joint enzymes and joint rebuilding supplement. If you do these things you'll discover that your elbow arthritis pain will be gone, along with the symptoms. True healing can happen when you take the appropriate steps (not the common steps) and be good to your body. For complete holistic and natural treatments for arthritis that actually work visit: Natural Treatment for Arthritis.