Dpl therapy led light treatment pain relief system is for the treatment of pain, relief of muscle and joint aches, sprains, back pain and the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. the dpl system uses a form of energy called photons to penetrate deep into the body easing pain and repairing damaged tissues. the dpl therapy system is a non-invasive, drug free therapy which can be applied to your specific and individual needs. light therapy has been shown in over 40 years of independent research worldwide to deliver powerful therapeutic benefits to living tissues and organisms. both visible red and infrared light have been shown to affect at least 24 different positive changes at a cellular level. visible red light at a wavelength of 660nm penetrates tissue to a depth of about 8-10 mm. it is very beneficial in treating problems close to the surface of the skin such as wounds, cuts, scars, and treating infection. infrared light at 880nm penetrates to a depth of about 30-40 mm which makes it more effective for bones, joints and deep muscle problems.
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LED Light Therapy If you're currently experiencing the burning pain of arthritis and you've tried everything else, then you need to use this professional LED Light Therapy for Pain relief. Infrared and Cold Laser Treatments for Arthritis, can bring relief when all the pain medications can't. Pulsed laser treatment provides quick relief from muscle strains, sprains, arthritis, bursitis, inflammation, fibromyalgia, neck …
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Alkaline Water and Arthritis Arthritis Inflammation Did you know that there is a connection between the type of water you are drinking and arthritis inflammation? The PH (parts hydrogen, a measure of how alkaline or acidic water is) of tap water, reverse osmosis, distilled water or even most bottled waters are extremely acidic. This acidity is a direct cause of inflammation in your …
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How To Cure Lower Back Pain Is there really a cure for chronic lower back pain? What if you no longer had to deal with the constant and chronic pain in just wanting to do simple things like bending over and tying your shoes? You may have been saying to yourself “come on and give me a break.” …
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